

Unit 3

[00:00:00] Unit 3 On the phone 3. 1 . I'd like to speak to. . . [00:00:06] 3. 1 B Telephonist:(unintelligible) and Company. Can I help you?

[00:00:09] Callar: Er. . . I speak to Dr Henderson, please? [00:00:12] Telephonist: Mr Anderson. Just one moment, I'll put you through.

[00:00:15] Anderson: Yes, Anderson, accounts. [00:00:16] Caller: Oh, er. . . hello, . . . is that Dr Bill Henderson?

[00:00:21] Anderson: What? No. . . no, this is Peter Anderson. You've got the wrong extension. [00:00:25] You probably want Dr Henderson in R & D, that's. . . um. . . er. . . 657. All right, 657.

[00:00:30] Callar: Oh, um. . . well, c. . . can connect me back through the switchboard, please? [00:00:36] Anderson: Huh! Well, I'll try. . .

[00:00:38] Caller: Hello? [00:00:39] Telephonist: (unintelligible) and Company. Can I help you?

[00:00:41] Caller: Yes, I'd like to speak to Dr Bill Henderson, please. [00:00:46] Telephonist: Dr Henderson, putting you through.

[00:00:48] Voice: 657. [00:00:50] Caller; Hello.

[00:00:51] Voice: Oh, hello. [00:00:52] Caller: Um. . . is. . . is that Dr henderson?

[00:00:56] Voice: Er. . . no. [00:00:57] Caller: Oh, er. . . I'm trying to get hold of Dr Bill Henderson.
