老子:无为而无不为 Lao Tzu - Do Nothing, Achieve Everything


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After reading Taoist texts, I walked away with the impression that everything can be achieved through/Wu Wei/.

Wu Wei is literally translated as "not-doing", "non-action", or "inaction".

So when taken at face value, this seems to suggest that you can accomplish everything by doing nothing.

Obviously, that doesn't make much sense.

So Wu Wei is often translated more loosely as "effortless action" or "unforced action", but I prefer the term "sincere action".

Everything, in my opinion, is achieved through sincere action.

To fully explore what that means, let's start with a thought experiment.

Imagine that you woke up in a small sailboat.

An ocean filled with thousands of other boats surrounds you, and there's no land in sight.
