剧有英伦腔 EP11 | 翻脸比翻书还快








(节选自Total Recall 全面回忆 2012版)



Douglas: Lori, goddamn it, what are you doing?

Lori: My job.

Douglas: Are you crazy?

Lori: Am I crazy? That's a good one, Doug, considering you don't even know who the hell you are. Do  you really believe a factory worker could take out an entire room of highly-trained men?

Douglas: Tell me what's going on. Talk. Or we can skp straight to 'Until death do us part.'

Lori: I'm not your wife.

Douglas: That's bullshit. We've been married seven years.

Lori: I'm UFB Police Intel, assigned to play your wife. Six weeks ago, I didn't even know  you.

Douglas: What are you talking about?

Lori: It's true. Your memory was replaced. Your mind was implanted with a life you think you've lived.  You keeping up, baby?  There's no Douglas Quad,  and there never was.

Douglas: Are you saying I don't... this...every...our marriage?

Lori: What can I say? I give good wife. Come on. Deep down, did you really believe someone like me would marry someone like  you,  living in this shithole?

Douglas:  If I'm not me, then who the hell am I?

Lori: How would I know? I just work here.

Douglas: Speculating?

Lori: If I had to guess, with all the trouble Cohaagen's taken to hide you from the Resisstance, you must be fairly important. And with your skill set, I think it's highly doubtful that you're his gardener.

Douglas: Cohaa...Cohaagen's trying to hide me? Why are you trying to kill me? Talk!!

Lori: Call it seven-year itch, Doug. Or, and by the way, you haven‘t begun to see me try to kill  you.


英音口音(MRP)的一个特征就是饱满。因此第一句My job中/dʒɒb/就应当保证其圆润饱满以及短促的特征。如果这个音无法控制,那美音的迹象就会很明显。
对于很多学员,哪怕是英国各地方口音中,/ʌ/是很难控制的。这一段中,有一个相当好的示范。Kate Beckinsale在最后一句中,特意在begun这里落了重音。因此begun可以更清晰地感知到它在当代标准口音中更居于中立的位置,因此更清晰。千万不要变成“比刚”哦。


Who the hell...?

the hell在这里可以理解为是一种强调说话人情绪的用法,可以当作插入语来理解。一般还会有Who in the hell is that masked man? 还有一个有趣的用法 what the hell。这个用法等于It doesn't matter。比如,‘You're already going to be home late, so what the hell, take it easy, give your weary eyes and brain a break.’

until death do us part.

更为普遍的说法是'Till death do us part'。这是大家都很熟悉的一句婚礼的誓言。这句话最早据说可以追溯到英国坎特布雷大主教Thomas Cranmer写的The Book of Common Prayer。坎特布雷还有一个Thomas Becket大主教,就是我们在船长朗读纠音班的一期《坎特布雷故事集》中大家都去朝圣的那位主教。原文誓言是这样写的。 "I, _____, take thee, _____, to be my wedded Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance." (填空处大家就自己看着办吧。)

deep down

这个表达用在某人内心深处的第六感能够感知到表象中并不存在的东西,强调的是外人或者表象并没有如此显示,但冥冥中...后面也可以加上inside。‘I was happy on the outside, but deep down (inside) I was devastated.’ 或者,‘Deep down, I think we all felt the same way. ’

音标来源/ Longman Pronunciation Dictionary & Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary


(内涵少量剧透)今天这期剧有英伦腔里的这部Total Recall是翻盘版本。这是一部情节上很有意思的作品,其实后来也有很多科幻作品在讨论这个问题,人的记忆到底代表了什么。就好比《冰与火》里夜王之所以要去弄死三眼乌鸦,是因为后者承载着人类所有的记忆。好吧,这是一个很复杂的问题。Total Recall的有意思的地方就在于当一个特工(反派)为了打入目标组织,选择消除自己的记忆,让一个天真无邪的自己获得对方信任,深入对方内部取得成功后,再重新恢复自己的记忆。这个计划或者说剧情设计相当大胆。但是计划越大胆,掉链子的机会也越大。
相比老版,Kate Beckinsale和Colin Farrell出演的这一版在如何解释Lori(Beckinsale饰演)在得知Douglas真相后,还要继续追杀这个问题上,有点牵强。同样,故事背景从原先的火星搬到了未来的地球,总感觉宏观上少了一些。可能和导演有关,这部电影的确给Kate Beckinsale很多的表现机会。相对的,另外一位女主角就显天真和乖乖女了。



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