英语求职面试的窍门和技巧——如何用英语回答求职面试问题 English Job Interview Tips and Tricks - How to Answer Job Interview Questions in English


Hi, I'm Gina. Welcome to Oxford Online English!

In this lesson, you can learn how to answer job interview questions in English. Have you ever had a job interview in English?

If English is not your first language, answering job interview questions in English can add stress to the experience. However, there are some simple, effective tips you can use to give better answers to job interview questions in clear, natural English.

You'll learn about these tips and tricks during this lesson! You'll see eight common job interview questions and four different techniques you can use.

You'll see how to answer these common job interview questions, using the techniques we'll show you. Let's start with our eight common job interview questions.

Tell me a little about yourself. Where do you see yourself five years from now?

What are your strengths/weaknesses? What is your leadership style?

Can you tell me about a time when you demonstrated. . . ? For example: can you tell me about a time when you demonstrated strong leadership?

Or: can you tell me about a time when you demonstrated excellent customer service? Tell me about a time you dealt with a challenging situation at work.

Why do you want this job? Why should we hire you?
