What Happened in the Neolithic? | History in a Nutshell | Animated History


History in a Nutshell.

What happened in the Neolithic, you ask?

Well, the period lasted for nearly 2,000 years in Britain, so it's a pretty safe bet to say that loads happened.

Loads and loads and loads.

The trouble is, we just don't know about most of it.

Because the people of this period didn't write anything down, we've had to piece together their past from the things they left behind, like monuments, burials and everyday bits and pieces like stone tools and pots.

But let's find out what we do know.

First off, the Neolithic period in Britain lasted from about 4,000 BC to 2,300 BC.

The people at the time wouldn't have known they were Neolithicit's just the name archaeologists use to describe the time when people began to farm.

Neolithic means 'New Stone Age'.
