

19-3-20【地道美语092】放下偏见,世界很美,2019 奥斯卡最佳影片《绿皮书》值得一看



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Dialogue : (课堂全文本于微信公众号【英语PK台】课后发送,参与直播互动中译英练习需加京晶微信goingforgold2018 拉入群


Dialogue 1

Jingjing:  So, Mark, haveyou seen any good movies lately?

Mark:  It's funny youshould ask. ----------a movie at the cinema.  It was the first time inover a year I dragged myself out---------------- a flick.

Jingjing:  Ok, good foryou. ------------------

Mark:  It was called TheGreen Book. --------------------

Jingjing:  I haven't; butI've been hearing a lot about it. -------------, didn't it?

Mark:  Yeah.  ------------directoron the radio.  After it won, I thought I'd better see it ---------------intheaters.

Jingjing:  Is it betterto see in the cinema?

Mark:  Of course, butit's still a----------------- small screens.

Jingjing:  Well, I'll addit to my list.  -------------------------------

Mark:  I'll try. There's an Italian American guy --------an African American guy on aconcert tour through the states ------------------.

Jingjing:  Wait a sec—whydoes their race matter.

Mark:  Oh, well it's aperiod film, --------------when Jim Crow laws are still ineffect.

Jingjing:  Weren't thoselaws about ------------ people could use, depending on their race?

Mark:  You got it. America was pretty segregated,-------until the CivilRights movement in the late 1960s.  And this story---------- justbefore that.

Jingjing: ------------------------------------------------------------

Mark:  It's believable. And I bet African American ------------ went on tour with privatedrivers. -----------, and a great premise for a movie.

Jingjing:  Now I reallywant to go see it.


dialogue 2

Mark:  Hurry up, or-------------inthe theaters.

Jingjing:  Why do youthink it won best picture?

Mark:  Well, I don't know-----------nominees.  The Green Book ---------------------------

Jingjing:  If someone hasnever been to America, ----------- understand the film?

Mark:  Definitely. That's why I think -------------  They show the difference betweenlife in the -----------------deep south.

Jingjing:  Did you see itwith your wife?

Mark:  Yeah.  Shehasn't been to the U.S. yet, ---------------- still like that now.

Jingjing:  And, what'dyou answer?

Mark:  -------------. I'm reminded of what Condeleeza Rice said about slavery,-------- birthdefect for America.

Jingjing:  Wow, yeah,it's hard to---------like that.  What about racial tensions nowadays?

Mark:  They definitelystill exist. -------- with Cubans.  This was in the States but I was the ---------not from Cuba.  Black guys and white guys--------like there was nodifference whatsoever. --------- and made me think about tension betweendifferent ----------- people.

Jingjing:  You just haveto make sure your---------------- diverse, right?

Mark:  Yeah, I think so.

Jingjing:  It's up toeach person to ------------ they feel with different people, if there is anytension, that is.

Mark:  Right. Anyway, I'm glad ---------------------.  It was a verygood movie.

Jingjing:  I'm --------------------------now.



new words and phrases


from dialogue 1

flick  (informal) movie,film (because of the flicker of a movie projector)

a period film  a story that takesplace in a time long before the film was made

Jim Crow laws  laws that didn'tlet African Americans go to the same schools or use the same public places aswhites

segregated  separated placesof living and work

the Civil Rights movement 

premise  the idea for astory, characters and what they will have to do



from dialogue 2

racial tensions  bad feelingstoward one another, because people are not the same race

Condeleeza Rice  born inBirmingham, Alabama, Secretary of State 2005-2009, now a professor of politicalscience at Stanford

slavery  the period inAmerican history when whites owned black workers, didn't pay them or let themtravel freely

birth defect  a problem someonehas when they are born, hard to fix, might cause a person to have problems alltheir life

diverse  many differentraces of people together

