原味主厨杰米·奥利弗来教你英国俚语 Jamie Oliver Teaches You British Slang


Jamie Oliver is one of the most recognizable chefs in the world, authoring numerous cookbooks and starring in his own tv shows.

He was raised in Essex in a town about an hour east of London and he speaks with a kind of a mix of Received Pronunciation and cockney.

He's very well known for using British English slang and that's what I'm interested in today.

So get ready because me and Jamie Oliver are going to teach you fantastic British slang phrases.

I can't wait, guys.

Let's do this.

When Jamie Oliver first appeared on our TV screens in The Naked Chef, he was synonymous with one British slang word.


I would have said the word 'pukka' quite a lot.

Why did you say that word so much?
