

2019年中考(陕西卷)英语听力真题 对话(2)

6. Look at the dark clouds. It is going to rain.

But the radio says it will be sunny tomorrow, then we can go out to play. Question: What would the weather be like tomorrow?

7. Hello, John. Where are Lily and Kate? They are in the classroom now.

Lili is reading and Kate is writing. Question: Who is reading?

8. It is Saturday today. The music show will be on tomorrow.

Yeah, I cannot wait. Question: When is the music show?

9. You are much thinner than before, Dave. Really, every morning I run for half an hour.

Question: Why does Dave get thinner? 10. How many students are there in your chess club?

There are 24 in all, but only 8 are girls. Question: How many boys are there in the chess club?
