039 为什么洗澡时容易产生灵感 Why our best thoughts come to us in the shower


We might suppose that the best place to think would be a large room with a big desk, plenty of natural light and a window with a viewperhaps onto water or a park.

This is the premise behind the layout of most offices. The nearer one gets to the top of the organization, the closer ones work station will approximate to this supposed ideal: in tribute to the quality of thinking that, ideally, one would do there. Bosses tend to have big desks and even larger views.

But these assumption are notin factreally true to the way our minds work. The primary obstacle to good thinking is not a cramped desk or an uninteresting horizon. It is, first and foremost, anxiety.

Often the most profound thoughts we need to grapple with have a potentially disturbing character. If we were to pinpoint them accurately and get clear about their significance, there could be a risk.

We might discover that some of our past, rather cherished, beliefs were not as wise as wed supposed; we might realise we were previously deeply wrong about something; we might have to make some significant and tricky changes to our lives.

As these potential implications start to come vaguely into view, our inner censor, motivated by a desire for calm rather than growth, gets alarmed.

A vigilant part of the self gets agitated; it distracts us, it makes us feel tired or gives us a strong need to go online. Skilfully, it confuses and muddles our train of thought. It blocks the progress we were starting to make towards ideas thatthough important and interestingalso presented marked threats to short-term peace.

It in this context that the shower emerges as so helpful to the way our minds work and earns the right to be honoured as one of the best places on earth in which to do any kind of serious reflection.

Amidst the crashing water and the steam and with a few minutes of respite before the day starts, the mind is no longer on guard. Were not supposed to be doing much inside our heads; were mainly occupied with trying to soap ourselves and properly rinse our hair.

The ideas that have been half-forming at the back of our minds, ideas about what the true purpose of our lives might be and what we should do next, keep up their steady inward pressurebut now there is a lot less to stop them reaching full consciousness. Were not meant to be thinking and soat lastwe can think freely and courageously.
