Control Flow in Python - If Elif Else Statements


In almost every program there are times you need to make decisions and that's when you use.

And if statement, Here is an example, Let's say we have a variable called temperature, we set it to 35. Now, if temperature is greater than 30, perhaps we want to display a message to the user.

So we use an if statement if after if we add a condition which is basically a boolean expression, an expression that produces a boolean value.

So if temperature is greater than 30 here, we have a boolean expression.

If this expression evaluates to true, the following statements will be executed.

Let me show you.

Now, here's the important part that a lot of beginners miss, when you use, an if statement.

You should always terminate your statement with a colon Now.

Let's see what happens when I press.

Enter our cursor is indented.
