

Okay, so we were going to begin flat on our backs today.

Now that this is a gentle morning practice, so permission to take your time here today.

Just checking in with the body and going nice and slow here, especially at the beginning. So I'm going to take a second here to check in with my heels, make sure they are in line with the hips or if you're feeling like having a really good morning, open them a little wider. Arms resting gently at the sides, palms face up. I'll take a second to press into my head.

Press into my elbows and lift the chest up so that I can draw my shoulder blades in and down shoulders away from the ears and then relax back down onto the earth.

And what I'm doing is I'm basically just opening up this area of my chest energetically, but also physically viewing this skin of the chest stretch open here.

And then I took my chin into my chest, lengthen through the back of the neck and take a second here to connect to my natural breath.

So just noticing the natural ebb and flow of the breath.

You can close your eyes. If you're really sleepy and you don't want to go back to sleep right away, you can just keep a soft gaze and a nice Drishti just past the edge of the nose here.

So first, just noticing the natural rhythm. The natural ebb and flow of the breath.

Kind of honoring the breath in that way here as we start our day.
