

At the age of seventeen he had a master plan for becoming the best known journalist in Britain. He's been in the midst of media scandals,

he's interviewed some of the most famous celebrities and most powerful politicians in the world, and he's judged the talents of hundreds of common folks.

Arrogant, ambitious, and shameless . . . so who is this media man? None other than Piers Morgan, of course . . .

Early Life Piers Morgan was born in Sussex, England in 1965 to an Irish dentist who died when Morgan was only two years old.

At birth, Morgan was named Piers Stefan O'Meara, but Morgan's mother remarried after his father's death, and Morgan adopted the surname Pugh-Morgan.

Morgan and his stepfather were close, and Morgan, having never really known his birth-father, calls him 'dad. ' His parents were middle-class English, running a pub and supporting Margaret Thatcher.

When Morgan was 13, the family could no longer afford to send him to private school so he had to leave behind the classmates he knew. At his new school he was picked on and in true schoolboy style the 'Pugh' in his name was altered to 'Puke. '

Morgan dropped the Pugh from his name later on, a move some have attributed to a desire to separate from his middle class roots, but that Morgan himself said was just because Pugh-Morgan was too long for a byline.

As a child, Morgan showed an early affinity for the media. As early as age seven he would sit at the table,

devouring the daily newspapers, reading the headlines and discussing the day's events with his parents. By the time he was a teenager, he was writing news articles -
