30 天坚持使用一部"笨"手机会发生什么?I used a dumb phone for 30 days


Since Alexander Graham Bell first snagged the patent back in 1876, the telephone has undergone a radical transformation.

Today, Apple is going to reinvent the phone.

Today, the phone isn't what it used to be.

We can use it to video chat, order late night eats and find a date.

But as all of this innovation has been happening with rapidly evolving tools, advancing technology, and consumers frothing with each new development, one tiny company decided to take a huge leap backwards.

This is the dumb phone.

Oh sorry, actually, it's called the Light Phone.

The phone that's been intentionally stripped back to just a few basic apps.

FaceTiming grandma, it's like, yeah, that's amazing, everyone wants that.

But checking your email before you brush your teeth is like a side effect of having that technology with you.
