


Celebrate imperfection

If you're someone who looks in the mirror every day and concentrates only on any minor flaw, you're not alone.

For many people, struggling with body image issues is a continuous battle.

"How hostile is the world to unattractive girls?" became a popular hashtag on Sina Weibo in March.

The hashtag resonated with many girls who shared their personal experiences.

One internet user talked about how her friends would often cut her image out of group pictures because they thought she was too fat.

What became clear was that this feeling of insecurity and alienation was all too common.

"My nose is not high enough, my chin is short and flat, and my eyes are small," Tang Yuqi, a college student, told China Youth Daily.

She doesn't even answer the door without putting on makeup first.

"I just can't accept myself if I'm not wearing it," Tang added.
