6 种类型的吸引力,你属于哪种呢? 6 Types of Attraction - Which One Are You_


When you hear the word "attraction", what do you think?

Many people automatically assume it only means being romantically or sexually attracted to someone.

But attraction can take many forms, and you don't have to have feelings for someone to feel attracted towards them.

Attraction is a key part of how you connect to other people.

You can also feel multiple types of attraction at the same time.

Sometimes you may be confused with your feelings.

You may like someone because they're very smart, but you don't want a relationship with them, or you want a relationship but you don't feel the need to get intimate.

Understanding that different types of attraction exist could help you sort out those confusing thoughts.

So here are six different types of attraction you could experience.

Number one: romantic attraction.
