World Environment Day 2019 - UN Chief's message


每年的6月5日是一年一度的世界环境日。联合国环境署确定的今年世界环境日主题是“Beat Air Pollution”,环境日中国口号是“蓝天保卫战,我是行动者”,都关注当前国际社会所面临的最严重环境问题之一——大气污染。对此联合国秘书长António Guterres也发表了讲话呼吁大家重视环境问题。

World Environment Day highlights how much we all rely on nature and on our planet's health.

The quality of the water we drink, the food we eat and the air we breathe -- all depend on protecting the natural world.

But the environment is facing unprecedented perils, caused by human activity.

One million species are at risk of extinction.

Oceans are under stress.

Air pollution is claiming seven million lives every year and damaging children's development.

Many air pollutants also cause global warming.

And climate change is an existential threat.

In my recent visit to the South Pacific I saw first-hand the severe and worsening impacts of the global climate emergency.

There is no time to lose.
