联合国能阻止战争吗 Can the United Nations Stop a War? | The UN Explained


Can the United Nations stop a war?

Okay, to understand how the UN responds to conflict, we need to go back to the UN Charter adopted after the Second World War.

Meanwhile in San Francisco, delegates of 50 nations have met to form the United Nations Organization: the solemn and hopeful expression of man's resolution to live in peace.

The nations were united.

It created the Security Council, which has 15 members.

Five of those members never change: China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Let's show this by smashing 30 years of history into a couple of seconds.

When there's a dispute, the Security Council can call on countries to settle it peacefully.

And the Council can refer disputes to the International Court of Justice, sometimes called the World Court.

The Security Council can also impose measures like arms embargoes, economic and trade sanctions, and travel bans.
