爆破音和摩擦音的区别 How to Pronounce_ Stops vs. Fricatives


Hello. I'm John Russell.

In today's program, we will explore fricatives.

The term means that there is a partial obstruction in the air stream.

There are eight of these consonant sounds in Englsihthey are/f/,/v/,/θ/,/ð/,/s/,/z/,/ʃ/and/ʒ/.

Fricative are often a source of confusion for English learners.

Some English learners confuse them with stopsconsonant sounds that are made by creating a stop in the air flow.

To be clear, fricatives mean there is a partial obstruction in the air stream.

Stops mean there is a full obstruction in the air stream.

Some English learners substitute fricative sounds with stop sounds.

For example, they might replace the/θ/sound with the/t/sound.
