沙特线性城市 NEOM | What is THE LINE?


沙特阿拉伯王储兼NEOM公司董事会主席Mohammed bin Salman提出了打造未来城市的初步构想和愿景,希望借此重新定义未来城市样貌。NEOM描绘了一个以人为本的科技城市蓝图,将为人们创造崭新的城市生活体验,同时尽最大可能保护周边自然环境。

For too long, humanity has existed within dysfunctional and polluted cities that ignore nature.

Now, a revolution in civilization is taking place.

Imagine a traditional city and consolidating its footprint.

Designing to protect and enhance nature,

the LINE will be home to 9 million residents and will built with a footprint of just 34 square kilometers.

And we are designing it to provide a healthier, more sustainable quality of life.

The LINE's communities are organized in three dimensions.

Residents have access to all their daily needs within 5-minute walk neighborhoods.

And THE LINE's infrastructure makes it possible to travel end to end in 20 minutes.

With no need for cars. Resulting in zero carbon emissions.
