最强英音:Emily Blunt玉女外表下的傻大姐范儿











吴聊唐顿 | 经典英剧精讲 戳这里哟

(Music: The Place Where Lost Things Go by Emily Blunt)

      今天我来和大家说说Emily Blunt。她出演的角色并不是特别多,但是只要你看过她出演的影片,无论是否是配角,都会印象比较深刻,比如《穿普拉达的女魔头》等。从2011年开始,原本青春玉女类型的女神,开始走起科幻风甚至是喜剧风,比如在《格列佛游记》中的傻大姐公主。当然,她还与阿汤哥搭档《明日边缘》,以及主演Mary Popping Returns。今天音频最后的音乐就是她在这部电影中演唱的。

      我曾经在《最强英音》中分享过Gideon's Daughter 中她上台演唱的一个片段,这也是她演绎事业的突破点。她从小深受口吃的困扰,她的一位学校老师想到了通过表演来帮助她克服口吃。因为有了这段经历,她现在也是美国口吃患者协会的董事。纠正口吃的过程中,会使用到很多发音矫正以及正音的方法,这可能也是她的口音相当清晰和标准的原因之一。所以,任何人只要努力,通过反复耐心地打磨,都可以获得这样的能力。



Emily Blunt's interview

What have I learned about style?

I’ve learnt that I have none before I embarked into this industry. I used to really enjoy wearing men’s waistcoats, quite lurid colours with white jeans but like mum jeans before they were cool. I wonder if I wore that know if I would be like a trailblazer. So I’ve learnt maybe that style is…I think…it’s en extension of who you are.

What I’ve learned about my career specifically is that I think I realize quite early on that all you have in many ways other choices that you make and you have no control over what happens after you’ve made the choice to do a project and it should be completely personal to you.

I have learnt that friendship should be…should allow for shape-shifting and should allow for no judgement and be uncompromisingly loving and supportive and fun and easy.

I’ve learnt that confidence is actually very quiet and it’s not in your face and it’s not chest beating. It’s very still and very quiet.

I’ve learned about beauty that you should not…I personally should not lie in the sun. I am naturally very pale and I should just embrace it so I would say I’ve learned to not…I’ve learnt to wear sunscreen and embrace the pale.

lurid /ˈlʊə.rɪd/ adj. 可怕的,耀眼的

trailblazer /ˈtreɪlˌbleɪ./ n. 先驱

chest beating 故意显示给他人看自己有多强壮(想象一下猩猩拍打胸脯的样子)

sunscreen /ˈsʌn.skriːn/ n. 防晒霜

音标来源/ Longman Pronunciation Dictionary & Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary


  1. 注意一些小细节,处理好这些,可以让你的发音听上去清晰,比如very, easy, choices等的弱音节。

  2. 要时刻控制好类似supportive等处的长元音。

  3. sunscreen等处的/i:/控制好,可以让你有立体感。

  4. 更多发音提高和训练请参考以下方式进入专业的英音正音练习社群,这里有一大群喜欢和掌握了英音的伙伴们。




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