ELSA - Draw My Life


六年过去了,主题曲《Let it go》仍在许多观众耳畔回荡,迪士尼大热动画《冰雪奇缘》已经迎来了第二部的上映。艾莎更成了小女孩争相Cosplay的对象,因为她既美又酷,重点是还会魔法,可是这个角色究竟是谁?又从哪里来呢?

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Welcome to new Drew My Life video!

Hey there, TikTakers!

You already know that some time ago we made a video about the movie Frozen, but we couldn't resist going back to one of its iconic characters.

Specially after the upcoming release of Frozen 2!

We talked about Elsa, who you all know is the queen of Arendelle, and is the co-protagonist of the famous Disney movie along with her younger sister, princess Anna.

Elsa's story is based on the tale of The Snow Queen by the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen.

And I'm sure that many of you will be surprised to learn that, in the original tale, Elsa was an evil villain: She was a merciless queen with an army of giant snowmen at her disposal.

And thus, her appearance was much more sinister and dark.

She was more hostile and resentful towards others, and most importantly, she had no intention of containing her powers.

The first movie adaptation of this story was made in 1957, by an animation studio in the former Soviet Union.
