Watch Musk Reveals Tesla Robot


智能电动车龙头Tesla 创办人马斯克,于上礼拜的AI Day 中,发布了全新的Tesla Bot 人形机械人,并指其可协助人类处理危险、重复及无聊的工作,而原型机预料可于明年登场。机器人身高约 1.7 米,重量约 110 斤,可以举起 40 斤的重物,最快移动速度是每小时 8 公里。

Basically if you think about what we're doing right now with the cars, Tesla is arguably the world's biggest robotics company cuz our cars are like semi-sentient robots on wheels.

And with the full self-driving computer, essentially the, the inference engine on the car which will keep evolving obviously, and Dojo and all the neural nets recognizing the world, understanding how to navigate through the world, it kind of makes sense to put that onto a humanoid foam.

We think we'll probably have a prototype sometime next year that base looks like this.

And it's intended to be friendly of course, and navigate through a world built for humans and eliminate dangerous, repetitive and boring tasks.

We're setting it such that it is at a mechanical level, at a physical level, you can run away from it, and and most likely overpowered.

It, it'll be a light five miles an hour you can get run faster than that would be fine.

It's around five foot eight, has sort of a screen where the head is for useful information, but it's otherwise basically got the autopilot system in it.

So it's got cameras got eight cameras, full-size driving computer and making use of all of the same tools that we use in the car.

I mean things I think that are really hard about having a useful humanoid robot is cannot navigate through the world without being explicitly trained.

I mean without explicit like line by line instructions, can you, can you talk to it and say you know please pick up that bolt and attach it to the car with that wrench, and it should be able to do that, it should be able to you know please you know please go to the store and get me the following groceries.
