糖和人工甜味剂哪个更糟糕? Sugar vs. Artificial Sweetener_ Which is Worse_ – Healthy Living and Diet Tips – SELF


Which is worse? Artificial sweeteners versus real sugar?

You like your coffee like you like your men, hot sweet and rich.

Artificial sweeteners don't add calories like real sugar, but even as your waistline says "You go, girl!" Your mind says, "Is this too good to be true?" So which is worse? Artificial sweeteners or natural sugar?

Well, neither is horrible in moderation.

While there's no conclusive human research showing artificial sweeteners cause major health issues, downing them frequently has been associated with weight gain.

Huh? That's like wearing high heels that make you look shorter!

So what causes the increase in pounds? Psychology.

Well, thanks brain.

More than 200 times sweeter than sugar, artificial sweeteners may increase cravings for sweet foods and make naturally sweet foodshello, fruit! — tastes bland and less appealing.

Goodbye, friend.
