How Tall Buildings Tame the Wind



Wind is one of the most important factors that architects and engineers must consider when designing tall buildings.

While skyscrapers might appear to be highly-strengthened, immovable structures, all tall buildings are in fact designed with a degree of flexibility in mind.

This is principally due to the impact that wind forces (known as "wind loads") have on a building as it becomes taller.

Whilst you might be experiencing a pleasant breeze at street-level, the force of the wind generally grows much stronger the higher up you travel.

While the steel and concrete used in a skyscraper's superstructure is designed to bend and flex to absorb the impact that these wind loads have, the degree to which a structure is able to move can have a significant impact on the comfort of those inside the building.

When buildings first began to grow tall in the 1890s and 1900s, height limits were imposed - such as those introduced in Chicago - to prevent their masses from blocking sunlight.

In New York City, ordinances were passed that allowed tall buildings to develop on the basis that they were set-back after reaching a certain height.

This allowed sunlight to reach street-level whilst breaking-up the facade and reducing the impact that high winds had on these early towers.

By the 1960's however, larger, box-like skyscrapers began to come to prevalence, bringing with them a whole host of wind load engineering challenges.

The first problem that began to arise was increased wind velocity at street level.
