

2019年中考(陕西卷)英语听力真题 对话(1)

1. You look so happy today, Tom. Yes. I will make a trip to London next week.

Question: How does Tom feel today? 2. Can I help you?

Yeah, I'd like a bowl of beef noodles and a glass of orange juice. Question: Where are they talking?

3. It's so hot, dad. I want to have an ice cream.

Okay, it is up to you. Question: Who are the two speakers?

4. Wow, the blue shirt and the white trousers are nice on you, Jame. Thank you, but I prefer the blue shirt.

Question: What does Jame like better? 5. To be a good doctor is my dream.

What is your dream, peter? Well, I hope to be a pilot.

But my brother wants to be a teacher. Question: What does Peter want to be in the future?
