雅思学术写作测试第1题——如何描述和比较数字 IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - How to describe and compare numbers


Hi, I'm Dennis with bestmytest. com and welcome to our IELTS academic writing video series. In this first video today, we're going to talk about how to talk about numbers.

In academic writing task 1, you're gonna have to interpret data that you're going to see in bar charts, pie charts, line graphs. So we're going to give you today some different ways that you can talk about numbers and percentages, so that you can vary your vocabulary and score higher.

Okay, so let's get started. Okay, so in today's video, we're not going to write an entire essay together.

We're gonna focus on vocabulary to help you describe the number and the numbers and the data in the chart. So a typical question is there.

You're gonna see a chart like this one right here and the the test is going to ask you to summarize the chart in at least 150 words. Okay, so our example chart here, we've got male and female and we have three different subjects over here.

So this...this chart describes the differences between men and women and different subjects at the University of Cambridge in 2001. Now suppose, suppose you wanted to talk about, you wanted to describe how many male students were studying philosophy at Cambridge in 2001.

Right, so most students are gonna say something really simple, really basic. There were 50 students studying philosophy at the University of Cambridge in 2001, right, 50 students.

And that's correct. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's basic and if you want to level up your score, you want to use more diverse vocabulary.

So let me give you some examples of that now. Okay, so the first one you can say the number of.

Right, you can say the number of male students studying philosophy at University of Cambridge in 2001 stood at 50 You can say that.
