002 名词介绍 Introduction to Nouns


Hello grammarians.

Welcome to the English parts of speech.

We're gonna begin with the noun, the lovely wonderful noun, your friend and mine.

They're mostly what you're gonna encounter in sentences.

Most sentences in English contain at least one noun or a pronoun, but we'll get to pronouns later.

A noun is basically anything.

And I know that's not an especially helpful definition, but we'll get more specific in a minute.

A noun is basically anything at all.

Now the way this is taught in traditional grammar is to say that a noun is a person, place or thing, which is fine, I think we can make that a little bit sharper and expand that out by saying that they are, that nouns are people or living things, places, things, or ideas.

I think ideas is the one that usually gets left out.
