

Unit 01 Part 2 Happy Family Life-All you need is love.

Part 2. All you need is love?

A. Keywords. social backgrounds, race, ethnic, religion.

Vocabulary. pre-industrial, propose, criterion.

You are going to hear a report on how people in different parts of the world choose their mates.

A1. Before listening, think about some of the qualities you would look for in a mate,

A2. As you listen, try to write down the three main criteria people usually maintain for choosing a mate.

Many people in western cultures choose their own wives and husbands.

In many other cultures, spouses are often chosen by the parents.

In China and Japan before this century, upper-class marriages were arranged by the older males.

In many cultures in the Middle east, Asia and pre-industrial Europe, the man's family negotiated a " bride price" with woman's family.
