1.The hybrid from a donkey and a horse is called a mule.
2.The male and female pronucleus fused finally.Most hybrids could develop normally.
3.It may survive and give rise to two mononucleate hybrid cells called synkaryons.
4.In postzygotic isolating mechanisms mating occur, but the resulting hybrid organism is inviable or sterile.
5.A new method for predicting the motion of the hybrid monohull in regular wave is presented.
6.In comparison with in-situ polymerization, more homogeneous hybrids with monodispersion of titania were synthesized by blending method.
7.Ordered mesoporous silicas and its hybrid materials could open the door for new stationary phase of chromatography.
8.JianYang Tangelo,a new citrus hybrid cultivar,originated from a bud mutation of a tangelo cultivar introduced from abroad.
9.Three-dimensional(3D)unsteady compressible flow over an open cavity and the relevant aeroacoustics are studied using a hybrid LES-acoustic analogy method.
10.In contrast to homoploid hybrid species,polyploid species are easily diagnosed because of chromosome number changes associated with genome doubling.
11.LIU Jia-Wen,DING Min.Morphological and cytogenetical studies on intergeneric hybrid between triticum aestivum and erem opyrum orientale.Acta Genetica Sinica,1996,23(2):117-123.
12.As compared with the hybrid tracking and the coplane four-point registration algorithms, the proposed algorithm is of higher registration accuracy.
13.The MHC is also thought to act as a proxy for general outbreeding, with all the hybrid vigour that can bring.
14.The compatibility of selfpollination and crosses between cultivars in the same hybrid group or in different hybrid groups was studied in this paper.
15.Abstract: The compatibility of selfpollination and crosses between cultivars in the same hybrid group or in different hybrid groups was studied in this paper.
16.Scientists had theorized that homoploid hybrids would be more likely to form when the new species was adapted to life in an extreme environment.
17.The neutronic computation and analysis is performed to assess the technical feasibility of transmutation of long-lived actinides using fusion-fission hybrid reactors by the above code system.
18.The increase of cellulous fiber in the hybrid fiber can result in the increase of optimum asphalt content, the reduction of density, air voids and Marshall stability.
19.Based on the years experiences, the author summarized and provided the main criterion and technique measures for improved cytoplasmic male sterile monogerm hybrid sugarbeet of seed reproduction.
20.The lively and recognizable Tiger barb should never be kept with long-finned species, such as angelfish, gouramis, or Veiltail hybrids as they like to nibble at their fins!