The transplanted larynges were replaced by fibrosed tissue entirely 21 d postoperatively.
The transplanted larynges were replaced by fibrosed tissue entirely 21 d postoperatively.
The couple eventually wed after three year engagement.
A diet deficient in vitamin D may cause the disease rickets.
The children were confide d to the care of the ship's captain.
Mammonism phenomenon form a nubbin quoted by medical morality base line and d...
As an example,the 3 D paleostructure of the boundary between Middle Eogene an...
Book online the cheapest hotels in San Nicolo d-Ultimo - low prices and high discounts.
网上预定在 San Nicolo d Ultimo 最便宜的酒店 - 价优惠折扣多多。
The beggar shamble d past us.
This the README for the Eclipse Plug-in d istribution of the Jalopy Java Source Code Form atter.
This the README for the Eclipse Plug-in distribution of the Jalopy Java Source Code Formatter.
Seafood is living, let people eat the rest assured that tastes good.Le service d 'ici est soigne.
D ry m atter accum u lation of X ieyou 9308 and X ieyou 63during whole grow th period.
图3协优9308和协优63全生育期干物质积累状况 F ig.
Patches mosaic is the basic pr operty of community which makes the structure and function of ecosystem prolonge d maintaining.
It also offers advice on ways to conceptualise a runway collection, and to produce designs in both 2-D and 3-D.
Objective:To investigate the existence an d localization of CGRP1 re ceptor in rat dental hard tissues and in peridental tissue.
In seismic exploration, using SEG-D format is convenient and flexible, but this flexibility brings difficult in common use of demultiplex modular.
The opticity of the crystal and its change is analysed.It has a directive function for the installation of crystal in d...
Based on the method to design the 3-D knottiness gimbale transmission shaft,the torsion vibration is reducde,and the syntony is also avoided.
F ig.1 D ot b lotting p icture of p53 and bcl-2 of retina l tis-sue of 20-w eek d iabetic rat.
图1第20周糖尿病大鼠视网膜组织p53和bcl-2 dotb lotting像。实验组为阳性反应而对照组为阴性反应。
Using the program to generate 3-D multi-block abutting structured grid of reverse jet flow field with the controlling of concentration and orthogonalization.
The 3-D inner gilled tube strengthening heat transfer technology can be used to reduce the metal consumption and increase the thermal efficiency.