To bring them even closer together Jelte van Geest has designed a rocking chair on which they can sit together, next to each other or opposite to each other.
Jelte van Geest设计了一种摇椅可以让他们可以坐在一起紧挨或直面相对,以使得他们更相近。
To bring them even closer together Jelte van Geest has designed a rocking chair on which they can sit together, next to each other or opposite to each other.
Jelte van Geest设计了一种摇椅可以让他们可以坐在一起紧挨或直面相对,以使得他们更相近。
Ik zuiver mijn geest door mijn waarde te bevestigen en mijn keuze voor liefde te respecteren.