3.Analytic resolution of rate equation for the nonradiative depopulation not equal to zero is derived for the first times.
4.Garlic oil contain various kinds of sulphocompound and many extraction and analytic methods of garlic oil were reported,each has its strong prospect.
5.Aiming at the characteristics of RLG strapdown inertial navigation system,the performances of Kalman filter,analytic gyrocompassing and indirect estimation are analyzed in theory.
6.Abstract: This treatise uses TFA concept and its analytic method to discuss the differences and characteristics of the presupposition, entailment and affirmance.
7.This paper presents an approximate analytic method for the stiffened torispherical shell with opening under uniform external pressure, that is, the equivalent spherical shell method.
8.A 3D finite element analytic model was established for the rapier driving system to investigate the structural features of its griper heads, belts and wheels.
9.By using the method of coordination transformation and expandedness Fourier series, an analytic solution is obtained from studying the Newtonian fluids laminar flow in eccentric anulus.
10.Using the modified analytic embedded-atom method (MAEAM), the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation was performed to study the premelting and melting behavior of (001) plane of niobium and tungsten.