1.There seems to be a blueberry pie cooking in the kitchen.
厨房里好象正在做越橘果排 。
2.Ruby with great intensity.Good smell of macerated blueberry, prune, spices, scrubland, Mocha coffee, floral.
3.The results showed that the main compound categories of aromatic components were alcohols, esters, terpenes and ketones for all half-highbush blueberry cultivars.
4.The cuttage breeding for the hardwood and greenwood of American rabbiteye blueberry were taken in different media after the treatment in different plant growth regulator and concentration.
5.Arctic blueberry seed oil is rich in antioxidants like tocopherol and tocotrienols and in high amounts of essential fatty acids, giving nutrition and protection to the skin.
6.Bright, fresh fruit aromas of cherry, raspberry, and blueberry fill the glass. Youthfully exuberant with lots of sweet fruit on the palate with hints of spice and vanilla.