The high purity amidinothiourea phosphate (P800) was reacted with the dicyanodiamide and phosphoric acid.
The high purity amidinothiourea phosphate (P800) was reacted with the dicyanodiamide and phosphoric acid.
The ingredient of Pepsi Coca included carbonic water,white sugar,caramel colour ,phosphoric acid,caffein and food flavor.
The soy sauce containing urea will become red when heated together with diacetyldioxime and phosphoric acid.
The (6). glucose - 6- phosphoric acid dehydrogenase lacks the patient to take this, extremely individual possibly has the hematolysis response.
In the presence of catalyst phosphoric acid,isomeric addition of bipentene with cis-butenedioic anhydride can form terpenyl bu tenedioic anhydride compound as expoxylite firming agent.
The composition. properties, reaction activity, capacity of frothing and defrothing of phosphate rock and the preparation, thickening and clarification of wet phosphoric acid are stutiied.
The proposed method is based on the inhibitory effect of resorcinol on the reaction of potassium periodate oxidation of pyronine Y in phosphoric acid medium.
The operation of the slurry pumps for transferr in g sludge in the dilute phosphoric acid defecator in the phosphoric acid producti on is mostly not satisfactory.
By replacing sulphoacid and silver sulfate solution by combining acid of sulphoacid and phosphoric acid in the back-flow process,the time is shortened and analysis is quicker.