1.The timing of the gun was precisely synchronized with the turning of the plane’s propeller.
2.The propeller will windmill and crank the engine.
3.The propeller started to spin around.
4.A programme of experimental research on five geosim propeller models has beencarried out in the ship model towing tank of the Shanghai Chiao-Tung University.
5.13958681890 This ship shall be of all steel welded construction with one continuous deck, bulbous stern, bulbous bow, single propeller, single rudder, forecastle, poop, and of stern-engined type.
船及用途SHIPFORM AND PURPOSE 本船为钢质全焊接结构、单甲板、尾机、,单、单舵,由柴油机驱动螺旋推的散货船,具有球尾和球鼻首线。