1.The country bought a substantial number of weapons.
2.She is preparing a substantial meal against his return.
3.Many multinational companies have substantial operations in this area.
4.Substantial damages were paid in recompense.
5.The matter is substantial.
6.As well known, the loss of efficiency in est-imation and inference may be substantial if hetero-scedasticity is neglected.
7.Analysts estimated that if the merger failed, Austrian Airlines will be required to obtain a substantial capital management rectifiable deposit.
8.Though the specific regulation about claim for reinstitution is defined in Negotiable Instruments Law,there is substantial difference with title to the instrument。
9.Local college have open up many courses on the ginshop management,which have substantial theoretics and pay attention to the combination between pratice and theoretics.
10.But the same unsettlement, as we have already observed, would be caused in the capital goods industries by a sudden and substantial decrease in savings.
11.Use the empty preachment with have no the substantial reward to the positive that transfer the worker, have no longer taken care of to use, can't adapt to the current that ages development.
用空洞的说教和没有实质的奖励去调动工作人员的积极性, 已经不再管用,不能适应时代发展的潮流。
12.By contrast they insisted on substantial evidence in each case that the professor had in fact in the classroom or in his published research hewed to the party line in an unscholarly fashion.