North American grosbeak (Hesperiphona vespertina) that is brown, yellow, black, and white.
学名为Hesperiphona vespertina。北美洲的一种大嘴雀(grosbeak)。
North American grosbeak (Hesperiphona vespertina) that is brown, yellow, black, and white.
学名为Hesperiphona vespertina。北美洲的一种大嘴雀(grosbeak)。
Nearctic The biogeographical realm of North America, except southern (tropical) Mexico.
Up until now, potlatch to only see in North America and west North America, Melanesia and Papua.
The lynx is a member of the "felid" or cat family. It lives in boreal forests across North America.
In the middle Eocene formations of North America occurs the more specialized Uintatherium (or Dinoceras), typifying the family Uintatheriidae.
Common perennial herbaceous plant (Linaria vulgaris) of the snapdragon family, native to Eurasia and widely naturalized in North America.
The burrowing owl makes its home in the treeless, shortgrass country of western North America, from southern Canada to Mexico.
In this article,many kinds of Cervidae animal entozoic and ectozoic parasite are summarized throughout the world,especially in North America and Europe.
Attractive, narrow shrub or small tree (Rhus, or Toxicodendron, vernix) of the sumac, or cashew, family, also called poison elder, native to swampy acidic soils of eastern North America.
株形美观,茎枝生长紧密的灌木或小乔木(毒盐肤木〔Rhus vernix〕或毒漆〔Toxicodendron vernix〕),属漆树科或腰果树科,也称作毒接骨木。原产于北美洲东部的沼泽酸性土壤。