1.The process of disarmament is at a crucial turning point.
2.His induction as a teacher was a turning point in his life.
3.There's an unusual twist to the plot at the end of the book.
在这本尾, 情节发生了不寻常转折。
4.Our marriage was at a watershed.
5.Note the abrupt transition (arrows) from urothelium to intestinal-type epithelium in this example of intestinal metaplasia seen in a bladder biopsy.
6.Quiet redirection subsequently issues from the bassoons, which take up the wandering piano-theme, while the piano itself goes over into a pp semiquaver accompaniment.
7.Automobile body's line, what walks is the current paranitroaniline red streamline form design, from beginning to end the unified whole, does not have the obvious stiff transition.
8.But for benzene, when treated with SDM-A there was a turning point in its adsorption isotherm, which corresponding to the dividing point between monomolecular and multimolecular layer adsorption.