53 这段视频会让你变得富有和成功 This Video Will Make You Rich And Successful


There's one trick that will make you rich, happy, and successful, and it can make all of your dreams come true and I'm gonna tell you what this trick is by sharing with you a story about how somebody learned this trick too late in life.

This is Lucas.

Lucas was born in the middle of America to a man named John and a woman named Emily.

From a very early age, Lucas displayed signs of genius.

People would watch him in shock as he solved these incredibly complex math equations as if they were simple puzzle pieces that he could easily fit together.

He had intelligence far beyond the other kids and even most of his teachers.

It became clear to everyone that Lucas would go on to do great things in this lifetime.

His parents were proud of him and they loved him with all their hearts.

But one day, something happened to Lucas.

It was something that would leave a permanent scar on the bright canvas of his life.
