04 为什么选择教育学? Why Study Education? | College Majors | College Degrees | Study Hall


You know how education works, right?

It's that thing that happens to you during the daytime for almost all of your childhood.

Different rooms, different teachers, and every step of the way you add to your knowledge.

You level up and up and up, becoming more capable and aware of your world.

You get better at communication, at manipulating numbers, at understanding our universe and our past, and our potential futures.

And all along the way, there are people there helping you and other students in your communities.

But the field of education is much broader than what you see in a school building.

It includes resources for early childhood and vocational training, counseling to help students find their way in the world; the development of the actual curriculum that will be taught, government policy, leadership, management of children and adults, and on and on.

One goal of the US government is to provide every person on education, at least through high school.

And that's not just good for helping individuals become better, more effective citizens or get higher paying jobs, or grow and develop, it's good for everyone.
