

02 国家地理 狮王争霸 Superpride

There are more than a million wildebeest and zebra, the largest migration of mammals on Earth.

The herds leave the southeast in Serengeti and travel north following the rains and the new grass.

Their annual 500km round trip takes them right into the heart of the super pride's territory.

This 32 kterritory measures less than the territories of other smaller prides but quality matters more than sheer size.

Every square kilometre here contains more food than some other bigger territories on the plains.

The Seronera River runs through here.

It attracts a year-round supply of resident prey.

And once a year for a few weeks, this territory abounds with migrants.

New grass sprouts from the earth creating a paradise for the feasting herds.

But it also provides perfect cover for ambush hunters.
