第一部分 J.K. Rowling: On Writing - Part One


I see it as there's a lake, and that's, there's a lake, we'll start there, and there's a shed.

And I think the shed more properly should be called a workshop, but I always call it a shed in my head.

So the lake is where stuff just comes up out of.

And I've always imagined that there's something living in that lake.

That chucks me things, it just throws things up at me that I catch, and then I take them in the shed and I work on them.

But this is where things start getting a bit elaborate.

So when I read my own writing, and often when I read other people's writing as well, I often think of it in terms of there's too much lake and not enough shed there.

That wasn't worked on long enough.

You didn't work on... At other times, I think that's pure shed.

You just, you know, you bang that up, there's nothing of the lake in there.
