Are Good Looking People Jerks?


While browsing the latest dating app, have you ever stopped and wondered. " Why are so many of the good looking people jerks? " Well, it turns out that there's a simple explanation for this phenomenon.

If we make a little graph of Niceness vs. Good Looks, we can start to get an answer.

First, we have to assume that people are equally spread across this chart; meaning some people are mean and ugly, some are ugly and nice, some are good looking and mean, and some are good looking and nice!

Of course, this is based on your subjective taste, and what you find beautiful and nice.

Now if you think about it, you probably have zero interest in people who you find mean and ugly, meaning your pool of potential mates gets a bit smaller.

And truthfully you probably prefer a certain combination of niceness and good looks.

Ultimately, we're left with a triangle of people you find acceptable and give attention to in the first place.

But now, 100% of the people left in your pool who aren't that attractive to you are nice - they have to be otherwise you wouldn't pay them any attention.

After all, if somebody is nice, you're less likely to be critical of their appearance, which brings down the average of nice peoples looks.

To the same token, almost half of the people that are beautiful to you, are mean.
