为什么普通人无法驾驶 F1 赛车 Why The Average Human Couldn't Drive An F1 Car | WIRED


“为了成为一名出色的一级方程式赛车手,你需要具备国际象棋特级大师的认知能力、战士的力量、耐力和反应能力,然后你还必须具备马拉松运动员的耐力。”前 F1 性能教练克莱顿·格林准确地分析了为什么普通人无法驾驶F1赛车,以及为什么专业车手是如此独特的运动员。

So in order to be a great Formula 1 driver, you need to have the cognitive capabilities of a chess grandmaster, the strength, stamina, and reactions of a fighter, and then you also have to have the endurance of a marathon runner.

It's these unique set of skills that would make it pretty much impossible for an average human to drive an F1 car.

My name is Clayton Green, and I used to be F1 performance coach to Sir Lewis Hamilton back in the 2010 season.

Here's a sketch of the Silverstone Circuit that I put together.

Silverstone is a particularly unique Formula 1 Grand Prix.

It's extremely prestigious.

It's one that the drivers find distinctly challenging.

It's a wonderful blend of high-speed corners and heavy braking zones, and it thoroughly entertains both the crowd and the drivers when they're racing.

So Formula 1 drivers looking to get the quickest and best launch that they possibly can at the start of the race, the average reaction time for an F1 driver is normally around 200 milliseconds.

Sprinters like Usain Bolt are only a fraction quicker, launching into a sprint roughly 160 milliseconds after the starting pistol.
