003 谷歌2.0:为什么MIT科学家在做新的搜索引擎?


Among other projects and you were doing lots of stuff, you get involved in some very heady questions about the origins of truth on the Internet. And this is where we're getting folks, because they. . . the work that Danny is describing now, in theory ultimately became a venture.

Right? Metaweb. – Yep. So that's right. So what I really thought is that what we need to do is have a way of representing the knowledge of the world in a way that machines can get out them and take advantage of it.

Uh-mm. . . And that should be shared, everybody should be able to get at it. That's in some sense that if the human knowledge isn't a shared resource.

Then what is. . . I think, what if civilization been doing all these years. So, uh-mm. . . It created a company that built this database called freebase was free database.

Uh-mm. . . And. . . Uh-mm. . . – Never coming.

TheAnd the company basically took any kind of public knowledge that we can get information about anything and put it in a machine readable format. We were kind of creating it.

With the idea that this is gonna be useful to the world, we didn't really have a business model. And we started building it up and then it became useful to lots of different people including in particular all the search engines.

So eventually Google bought it, of course. And then, I. . . got Google to agree it, keep it open for three years, but. . . they only kept the part that was already open and they started building it up.

And so now if there's all the Google has something called the knowledge graph which is beyond the evolution of this. And it probably has about a hundred billion different entities.

So everybody in this room is in that graph. The building. . . This building is in that graph.
