好人容易成功 Nice Guys Finish First


Nice guys finish last, at least that's how the saying goes.

But we're here to destroy this myth and show you with scientific research and evidence, how nice guys, undoubtedly, finish first.

There's a neat problem called the The Prisoner's Dilemma that has boggled many intelligent minds for decades.

There are many variations, but in ours, two people face off against each other, with 2 different cards in their hands.

One says"COOPERATE" and the other says"DEFECT".

Each round, both players pick one of the cards and place it face down without the other knowing which they've chosen.

If both players choose"COOPERATE" then they each win $300.

If both players play"DEFECT" they both lose$ 10.

But if one person plays"COOPERATE" and the other plays"DEFECT", the person who played"DEFECT" wins $500 and the"COOPERATE" card loses $100.

So, how is this a dilemma?
