- We're gonna determine the worst Halloween candy of all time.
- Let's talk about that. (upbeat theme music)
Good Mythical Morning.
- We have a major announcement.
Mythical beasts of the United Kingdom, we're gonna be playing live in concert on the evening of February 15th in London.
Tickers are on sale for the public this Friday, November second, but if you want early access make sure you are signed up for our newsletter at MythicalMonthly.com, 'cause we're gonna be sending out exclusive presale links.
It's probably just one link.
Whatever it is, we're gonna send it to you tomorrow for you to get first access to tickets and the very limited VIP meet and greet.
- And remember this is a new musical show, all music, it's different from the Tour of Mythicality, so there's a ton of your favorite songs, plus a bunch of new ones we're gonna be playing in London for one night only.
So if you live in the UK, or you're gonna be there for VidCon London, do not miss this.