Amazing Places to Visit in Peru | Best Places to Visit in Peru - Travel Video


Peru has a pre-hispanic rich culture Beautiful places to discover Wild nature And an extraordinary worldwide known gastronomy The land of Incas is one of the favorites for all tourists in Latin America And the world But we assure you That you can do more in this place Than visiting the Machu Picchu And eating Ceviche Let's get the know more about Peru Here are the 10 places you must visit During your next travel to Peru No.

1 Machu Picchu Machu Picchu is also known as the Incas lost city The Machu Picchu is one of the seven wonders of the modern world And is a must-see place in Peru This ancient Inca city Located 2100 feet above sea level And in the Andes Was hidden for many centuries Behind the mountains and vegetation Until 1911 When Hiram Bingham discovered it The visitors can explore Machu Picchu in two different ways If you are an adventurer You can walk 40 kilometers for four days across the woods Valleys And ancient paths But if you prefer an easier road You can take a Train to Aguascalientes And then walk or take a bus to get to the ruins We recommend you hire a guide So you won't miss any important highlights No.

2 Cuzco This city was the capital of the Incas Empire And now is the capital of the Cuzco region and province It is also the center of Quechua's culture And a world heritage site It's one of the most visited cities in the country With more than 2 million visitors per year It's the starting point for all the tourists Decide to visit Machu Picchu Located at the northeast of Cuzco You can start your walk around this city In the Plaza de Armas Surrounded by hotels Restaurants Stores And places of interest The cathedral is one of these places Its facade has a renaissance style And the interior a Baroque style With numerous beautiful colonial paintings Next to the cathedral You can find the Compañía de Jesus Church And the Triumph Church If you hire a tour It will get you to visit the historic wall The Qurikancha or The Sun Temple The Santo Domingo Church And the Sacsayhuaman No.

3 Lima Lima is the capital of the country and its biggest city Founded by Francisco Pizarro in 1535 The Spanish were here for around 300 years Nowadays Lima is a mixture of culture History And modernity Here You can find the cathedral Beautiful and enormous churches Monasteries And convents You can also see Inca architecture scattered around the city Like Huacas And the Pachacámac There are other things to do as well You can go to Museums Art-Galleries A park with light-shows Malls Or only take a look at the Pacific Ocean Lima is also known as the best place to start trying Peruvian cuisine Which has a diversity of ingredients from the coast Mountain And Amazon regions The signature dish Ceviche Is something you cannot miss!


4. Iquitos, Amazon Jungle Iquitos is the capital of the Loreto department Located in the Amazon north region of Peru It was founded in 1539 And known in those times As El Dorado For travelers This city offers a wide range of activities That you couldn't find in other places in the country In Iquitos You can swim in the rivers Walk through the jungle Look at its flora and fauna And see unforgettable beautiful landscapes Make sure you don't miss La Casa de Hierro A place designed by the architect of the Eiffel Tower in Paris!


5 Nazca Lines The Nazca Desert has a stripe along the northern Pacific coast On an arid plateau The famous Nazca lines Located between the towns of Nazca and Palpa Were created between 200 BC And 700AD You can find large drawings of simple stylized lines of spiders Monkeys Lizards And human figures These figures have stood the test of time But how ?

The climate of this area desert, dry And stable without wind Has helped maintain the lines to this day!

You can see the lines in a better way from the sky By renting a plane Then There is an observation tower on the Panamerican highway And here you can see some of the figures.
