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Quotes of the Day 日积“阅”累
Butter someone up
To flatter someone, usually to gain their favor or advantage. 拍某人马屁
🌰She tried to butter up her boss before asking for a raise.
Bread and butter
Someone’s main source of income or livelihood. 主要收入来源
🌰Writing is his bread and butter; that’s how he makes a living.
Like butter wouldn’t melt (in their mouth)
Describes someone who appears innocent or demure, but may not actually be. 装得和真的一样
🌰She acts like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, but she can be quite mischievous.
Know which side your bread is buttered on
To know what is in your best interest, especially in relationships or work. 清楚地知道什么最符合自己的利益
🌰 He always helps his boss because he knows which side his bread is buttered on.
Someone who is clumsy and often drops things. 手滑 笨拙
🌰 Oops! Butterfingers! I dropped the glass again.
Put butter on bacon
To add something unnecessary or excessive, often referring to overindulgence. 画蛇添足
🌰Adding those extra decorations is like putting butter on bacon; it’s just too much.
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