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be nervous doing sth表示在做某事时感到紧张,比如I am nervous speaking in public,我在公开演讲时感到紧张。

post指在网上或社交媒体上发布内容,post photos,上传照片,post a new song,发布新歌。这里Faouzia指的歌曲是《RIP, Love》。

I was really nervous posting this song for the first time这里使用了过去进行时和时间短语for the first time,描述在过去某个特定时间点上的紧张状态。


go for意为尝试某种特定的事物或者风格,这里的go for就是Faouzia在《RIP, Love》中第一次尝试她独特的阿拉伯转音。

because it was the first time that I had intentionally went for that sound这里使用了过去完成时,因为发布歌曲的时候,创作这首歌尝试这种风格的动作已经完成了。

但注意正确的语法应该是“had intentionally gone for that sound”,因为过去完成时的动词形式应该用“gone”而不是“went”。


tap into意思是利用已有的资源或者开发某种潜力,比如The company is trying to tap into the youth market,公司正在努力开发青年市场。这里Faouzia用的tap into则是指发掘她的老家摩洛哥的音乐元素。roots作复数时可以专门表达文化上的根,意思是某人因为出生或者成长在某地,而对那里产生的一种联结,Moroccan roots指的就是Fauozia的摩洛哥文化背景,摩洛哥是她的出生地,摩洛哥是阿拉伯世界的一部分,位于非洲北部。


【语音知识】intentionally /ɪnˈtɛnʃənəli/

recognize /ˈrekəɡˌnaɪz/

Moroccan /məˈrɑkən/

nervous /ˈnərvəs/,注意第一个音卷舌,第二个音不卷舌

I was really nervous posting this song for the first time, because it was the first time that I had intentionally went for that sound.

And immediately everyone recognized it, and they're like "you know, she's tapping into, like, her Moroccan roots".

这一段材料中,我们重点关注一下 t 的发音现象

t 常见的两种发音现象是:失爆和浊化,这里出现了多处失爆和浊化。

posting 中的 t 浊化,s+t 组合中 t 常常浊化。

first,it,first,had,went,that,sound 末尾 t 失爆

that I 连读,并且中间的 t 浊化。

recognized it 中间的 ed 发/d/的音,跟 it 连读,it 末尾 t 失爆。


前一个单词末尾是 t,后一个单词是辅音开头,常常失爆。

前一个单词末尾是元音+t,后一个单词是元音开头,常常浊化,比如这里的 that I。

I was really nervous posting this song for the first time, because it was the first time that I had intentionally went for that sound.

And immediately everyone recognized it, and they're like "you know, she's tapping into, like, her Moroccan roots".


这是美国加州年轻女性非常喜欢用的一种音调,Faouzia 出生在摩洛哥,在加拿大长大,看来这种语调的影响力已经不局限于美国加州了。

really,nervous,song,first,intentionally went,sound 全部都在上扬

immediately 和 recognized it 则下降

你觉得这种连续上扬的音调好听吗,觉得好听的话弹幕上敲 1,觉得有点装有点假的话弹幕上敲 2。
